The Rest

In winter there is so much to discover about the systems that seem to have gone quiet at the Trimbelle …this spring-fed stream stays open while others are iced. In this season of rest it has its beauty and the quiet life of birds and mammals leaving tracks in the snow.

On a thawing day in late February I arrived at the Trimbelle to find a fisherman watching the water..  he said sometimes when it warms there is a hatch of midges in the snow holes with the decaying plant matter. If it is warm enough for a good hatch…

On a thawing day in late February I arrived at the Trimbelle to find a fisherman watching the water.. he said sometimes when it warms there is a hatch of midges in the snow holes with the decaying plant matter. If it is warm enough for a good hatch, a swarm could attract the fish in the deep pools … In fact, while looking closely at those plants I saw a small insect crawling on the snow near one of the plant holes. Not a hatch but evidence of the rest of the ecosystem carrying on its cycle.

Like the hopeful fisherman, I began to look for more life to include in the drawings I’m doing on the eco prints of the plants gathered at this buffer zone. And I saw the moth…!

Like the hopeful fisherman, I began to look for more life to include in the drawings I’m doing on the eco prints of the plants gathered at this buffer zone. And I saw the moth…!

night plants.jpg

Adding the night pollinators

When a moth appeared in my water marked print I began to draw and imagine more….

I keep finding ways to deepen the prints …

I keep finding ways to deepen the prints …

Deborah Foutch